
Wednesday 21 November 2012

house colours athletis

…...A Big day of athletics.......

phew! Yesterday the 20th of November Glen Innes School had their house colour athletics. It was very tiring with the hot bright  sun shining out on us. Before we even started we already had butterflies tickling in our stomach. As soon as they called the 11 year olds all I wanted to do was to faint i really wanted to cry. When the clapes went I went zooming out the lane. When I saw that I was coming last. I really didn’t want to embarrass my self so then I ran as fast as I could so then I leant my head forward over the line. When they gave the card it had said 4th place I was quite happy cause for 400m was really tiring. In my other races all came was 4,5,4,5 man I just wanted to wait until I got home so that I could have an nice long sleep...........

The End!!!!!

Checked by: Autymn

Thursday 27 September 2012


Wow! "That was amazing". On the 6th of September, Room 12 & 11 were invited to share their ideas with people from the firm Archimedia, it was exciting. We had to share our ideas with the Archmedia people because they had asked us for our help on what we thought of putting in that space next to the G.I. Library and the car park near the G.I community centre. We wrote about what we would like to have together with the music & arts centre. We had so many ideas & some of them had some same ideas. We had to see who got the most ideas so that they could stand up & share. In my group there was Charlie & Evelyn. Lindsey had picked me to share some of my ideas. There was one great idea that Charlie & I had & it was to have a church near the community centre. He had said that was a cool idea so he said if he could have our piece of work that we had done so that he could record it. We were happy so then it was going to the end. It was so cool sharing with them.    

Tuesday 11 September 2012


We have been learning to write and present our speeches. We had to persuade the audience to think our way. The Olympics was our theme.
The criteria we had to use to write and present our speech included, an introduction, delivery, conterminous our conclusion.
I think my introduction was amazing. Because it caught the listeners attention, but I need more powerful words & humour. I knew I had correct pronunciation and a bit of a clear voice. I really used appropriate words and vocabulary. My conclusion was great, it balanced the introduction and also restates the issue & confirms the speakers view point.
I have learnt how to write metaphors in my story, use strong powerful words and have really good humour.
I have learnt how to use good metaphors and make strong and good points.
I been learning how to use strong powerful words in my story. Having a great word that is powerful.
Using humor in your writing would be really good and will be a really great story for people to read as well and as you use them people can get the picture as you write humor words.        

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Net book day

Enormous Launch Day    

Wow! Just the day I was waiting for. On wednesday the 25th the whole school went to the hall for our big launch day. It was so amazing listening to Mrs.Lammas reading all those emails from the Royal Queen, Richie Mccaw, Dan Carter and lastly Valerie Adam. It was so awesome listening to all who send us a mail. It was time, everybody was screaming drumming and counting down for our Netbook Mrs. Lammas was lucky because she got to help hand out the netbooks. Finally we opened our box with our own named netbook, everybody was so excited.Lastly the very awesome part, we took our Netbook into class and Mrs. Bert told us some rules after she had finished, everybody couldn't wait so they zoomed into games. That was the end so then they had to take it to charge.